Miracle League of Harford County
I am very excited to announce that the Miracle League of Harford County received a $100,000 capital grant for their new baseball field project in Bel Air. The Miracle League of Harford County began in 2021, and it gives those with special needs or disabilities the opportunity to play baseball in a safe and welcoming environment. The league has already grown from just 30 players in its inaugural year to almost 100 today. Players range in age from 5-70 years old. The sense of support and community this activity and organization provides cannot be understated. If you want to support the Miracle League of Harford County, you can check out their website here, and you can learn more about this heartwarming organization here (WBAL news story).

Senatorial Scholarship Awards
I recently had the privilege of awarding a total of $35,000 to 60 exceptional students in our district pursuing higher education. The distribution of funds was a collaborative process involving a dozen local leaders and educators who reviewed the applications. Everyone was very impressed by the quality of each applicant and their educational ambitions. These students plan to study a diverse range of subjects from medicine to computer science, mechanical engineering, and social work, among many others. Once a student is awarded a scholarship, that money is able to be renewed each academic year until graduation. Every student deserved the scholarship they received, and I am grateful for the opportunity to help fund their education.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact my office at 410-841-3158 or marydulany.james@senate.state.md.us Sincerely, Mary-Dulany James Senator, District 34, Maryland General Assembly